
KSK Energy Ventures IPO receives 1.09 times subscription

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of KSK Energy Ventures Limited opened for subscription by investors on Jun 23, 2008. The company has come out with an IPO of 3,46,11,000 EQUITY SHARES of Rs 10 each for cash at a price band of RS.240 TO RS.255 through 100% book-building process.Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited, IDFC-SSKI Private Limited, Morgan Stanley India Company Private Limited, Lehman Brothers Securities Private Limited and Edelweiss Capital Limited are the Book Running Lead Managers to the issue.Axis Bank Limited is the Co-Book Running Lead Manager to the issue.Kotak Securities Limited, Sharekhan Limited and Edelweiss Securities Limited are the Syndicate Members to the issue.Karvy Computershare Private Limited is the Registrar to the issue.The issue has received subscription of 1.09 times till 4:00 PM on June 24, 2008.The issue has received bids for 37736925 equity shares against the offer of 34611000 equity shares. The issue has received bids for 34650 shares at cut-off price.The issue closes for subscription on June 25, 2008.

