Bernanke killing USD as unit of account: Marc Faber
Marc Faber, Author of The Gloom, Boom & Doom said, �Now obviously we have a problem; so what does the Fed do? They don�t look at what caused the problem but they flood the system with liquidity to some extent - it will help the asset markets. It will cushion in dollar in terms of the asset markets. Mr Bush brought about the demise of the geo-political prestige and reliability. Bernanke is bringing about the demise of the US dollar as a store of value and as a unit of account.�
Faber said, �The economic growth has very little to do with the performance of the financial assets and of other asset markets. We are going to have a growing economy in China; yet the financial markets in India and China are on the downside,; I think the global economy will grow and the financial assets are cheap and one should buy them. But the global economy can grow and the financial markets can go down.�
Expressing his views on the commodities situation, Faber said, �Paper money is even worst than gold. But the gold price can correct on the downside. I am telling people that everything you touch today, you have to be prepared that you have a movement of 20% against your expectations could be 40%. The oil prices - say at USD 105/bbl, could drop to USD 80/bbl before going to USD 300/ bbl. Anything can happen we have very high volatility and in high volatile periods most of the investors will be caught somewhere
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